Our Science

Notitia's Mission
To develop Foundation Guild™ targeted microbiome products for promoting and maintaining a healthy lifestyle.

Welcome to the World within Your Gut
Inside your body, there's a whole universe of trillions of bacteria, collectively referred to as your gut microbiome. At Notitia, our goal is to develop products that enable your gut microbiome to better support you.

The Foundation Guild™ Gut Bacteria
Our products are based on the groundbreaking research of our scientific co-founder, Dr. Liping Zhao from Rutgers University.
Dr. Zhao discovered that different bacteria in the gut work together in ecological groups called guilds, and the Foundation Guild™ is the most important group of bacteria in a healthy gut microbiome.

Healthy Gut Microbiome
In a healthy gut microbiome, the Foundation Guild™ thrives like the tall trees in a rainforest, they help suppress pathogens (bad bacteria) and maintain a healthy gut.

Unhealthy Gut Microbiome
In an unhealthy gut microbiome, the Foundation Guild™ isn't strong enough to suppress pathogens (bad bacteria), this would lead to an unbalanced gut health.
How to Promote the Foundation Guild
The Foundation Guild™ needs a lot of nutrients, specifically fermentable dietary fiber from our diet, to become the dominant guild inside the gut. Notitia's Guild:Plus Microbiome Nutrition provides the exact ingredients needed to promote the Foundation Guild™.
With our proprietary formulation method, the ingredients form a complex matrix structure that only the Foundation Guild™ bacteria can digest.
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